Unveiling The Dark Side Of Trading: Exposing Binary Options Scams And Ensuring A Secure Future


23 June 2023


Binary Options

It is quite normal to have an extra cushion in life in the form of financial freedom. When you have enough money, your life becomes more comfortable. You have the freedom to buy the things that you desire most. And it is not a crime to dream big.

Many seek an alternative source of income to supplement their income. There are several ways one can achieve this, and the stock market is one such place. Many have invested in the stock market and have made substantial profits.

Considering the current economic situation, the need for this extra cushion is ever greater. The rising food prices, the Fed’s increasing interest rates, and declining job prospects have raised concerns among many Westerners.

As more and more people explore the possibilities of making a quick buck, scammers are just around the corner, waiting for them to make a mistake and get scammed in the process.

Several scammers will impersonate stock brokers or brokerage firms; there are also some firms whose license to practice trading has expired or been revoked due to some legal issues. Thus, you, as an investor, need to be careful not to fall for such scams.

The binary options trading scam is one such financial fraud that has engulfed many victims in its path.

Binary Option Trading

Before we understand the nature of the scam, let us first understand what binary options trading is.

It is a type of contract between the broker and the client where the payouts entirely depend on the outcome, such as “yes” or “no.” The price trend of a financial asset like a stock is considered, and a wager exists between the broker and the client that in the next five minutes, the price trend of that particular stock will either increase or decline. The one who loses the wager pays the winning amount to the winner.

For example, a $100 wager between the client and broker is that the price of X stock, which is trending at $45 per share, will rise or fall. The one who loses the wager pays off the winner.

Such wagers are instantaneous, and unlike other types of options available in the financial market, there is no way the client can avoid paying the losing bet. The contract ends when the stimulated time ends, and the loser pays the winner.

Binary Option Scams

Well, if binary options trading is so simple, you have a 50% chance of winning the bet, and you might think, “What could go wrong?”

Well, for one, the trading platform that scammers offer their clients to download is rigged. The rigging is achieved in two ways: either the entire platform is rigged or there is a delay in the data that is streamed.

Generally, the trading platforms offered by brokers or brokerage firms relay real-time data on price fluctuations in the stock market.

The trading platform provided by Binary options scammers could cause a delay in the data streamed by the stock market. Thus, scammers know in advance about the price moment and can thus ensure that every bet that is placed is in favor of the scammer.

In the second way of scamming the victims, scammers provide their victims with a completely rigged trading platform. In this case, the real-time data is not streamed from the stock market; rather, it is completely controlled by scammers.

How do scammers keep their victims enticed?

Scammers are smart; they know that if they keep on winning every time, their victims will lose interest and stop playing their “rigged game.” Scammers will ensure that their victims initially win, thus promising a false sense of security that they have the “ability to win big.”

Thus, once these scammers start investing more, they start to lose. They invest more because they are afraid of losing money. The false sense that “this is the last bet, the one bet that will recover all the lost money,” makes them invest more while increasing the amount on successive bets.

A few genuine brokers and brokerage firms allow binary trading; they are regulated and certified by the regulatory authority, which ensures clients’ interests are protected.

How to spot bogus brokers or brokerage firms offering binary options services?

Among all the complaints that are being received by the SEC, or Securities Exchange Commission, there are three common categories where victims were ripped off.

1. Denying reimbursement or paying off clients

Once clients have opened trading accounts with scammers, they will deposit their money into their trading accounts. As and when the clients are falsely encouraged by the scammers to invest more to win more. Once these clients have had enough of the losses or wish to withdraw their winnings from their accounts, these scammers will not allow their clients to withdraw.

Since these Binary options scammers are based in another country, there is little that these clients can do apart from calling their customer service center, which will eventually block their contact numbers.

2. Identity Theft

Under the guise of providing binary options services, scammers will collect all the sensitive data from their victims. These scammers will collect their social security numbers, bank account numbers, credit card details, passports, driver’s licenses, and so forth.

3. Rigged trading platform

Many clients who fall victim to bogus brokers or brokerage firms finally admit that they have fallen for a scam where they suspect that the trading platform was rigged. They also stated that the time left until the expiration of the winnings may be extended arbitrarily until the trade ends in a loss.

Final thoughts

The United States has legalized binary options trading, and as mentioned earlier, there are a few genuine brokers and brokerage firms regulated by regulatory authorities that are either private or government-owned.

Since almost all brokers and brokerage firms advertise and can be contacted online, researching these firms is a must to avoid falling for binary options scams. Use caution if any broker or brokerage firm is offering binary options services at competitive prices. It’s possible that they are scammers.

Regulatory authorities offer protection against scams and fraud; they protect the interests of clients of a broker or a brokerage firm. So when a broker or brokerage firm goes rogue, these regulatory authorities ensure that the client’s interests are protected.

Always check that the online broker or brokerage firm is authorized and protected by a renowned private regulatory body or a government-owned entity.

The binary option scam has also engulfed the cryptocurrency market; thus, be cautious if a binary option is offered in the crypto market.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Procurement management

What is The Procurement Management Process?

Procurement contracts can often be very overwhelming to create and manage. It involves a lot of different moving parts, from negotiating to price, setting out milestones, defining the scope of work and so much more. You want to ensure the top quality of work for your company without incurring too many extra costs. Learning about the procurement management process can help you navigate this journey with a bit more ease and confidence. What is the procurement contract management process? Having a procurement contract management process involves managing the ordering, receipt, and approval of materials from suppliers. It also deals with managing relations with suppliers and sellers. By having an established procurement contract management process, you can ensure that the materials and services provided meet your needs. What does the procurement management process look like? The process of procurement management will look different from any project, but loosely follows the following workflow:   Before you even think of procuring anything, your company will realize it needs a certain product or service. Maybe it is something as simple as new computer monitors for one department, or a much bigger project like the construction of a new building as your company expands. Planning In this stage, your team will smooth out the details related to the project, determine the budget, and start to draft out a contract. You will begin to write SOW (statements of work) to serve as a document outlining the work being contracted, for all outsider contractors you work with. Check out a sample statement of work here. Depending on the size of your company and who is in charge of purchasing, you may need to request approval from a higher-up at this point in the procurement management process. A senior manager may need to approve budgets and make amendments to the statement of work. Requesting quotes After approval is given, whether that is from a manager or from yourself, you can send out a request for quotations (RFQ) to various sellers. This is when different companies bid for your project. Depending on the risk involved, whether that be physical or financial, there may be more or fewer bidders. Reviewing and finalizing proposals This is the stage where your team selects the vendor you want to work with. Usually, teams will have a set of criteria that will use to determine which seller to go with. The reputation of the company and prior experience working with them may also come into play during decision-making. Negotiation and signing Once you’ve finalized your selection, your team will have to negotiate with them. After both the buyer and seller are happy with the procurement contract, they will sign the contract and purchase order (PO) will be sent to the seller to purchase materials. At this stage, the contract is active and the project is underway. Managing and overseeing contractors The procurement management process doesn’t quite end there. Having someone request frequent status updates and oversee the project will help you keep up-to-date. The progress can be tracked down and in this way you can prevent your company from getting blind-sided by huge issues late on. Monitoring and tracking their work will help you understand if the project is going as planned. If things aren’t going well, at least you can take action earlier in the project than react to it at the end. Having a records management system in place will make things much easier at the end of the contract as you move closer to payment. End of procurement contract Once the contractor completes the work set out in the contract, the procurement management process has ended. This is when the contract formally releases liability and payment is processed. At this stage, invoices, records and other documents from both parties are matched and compared against to ensure that the fees are correct. Knowing what the procurement process is like is integral to any business. You may be on either end of the process, either buying or selling to someone. Governmental bodies often undergo procurement to take on projects like marketing or auditing. Read also: 5 Important Considerations to Get Supply Chain Management on Cloud

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7 Reasons to Apply for a Loan Online

In an ancient setup, if you require a private loan for buying an automotive, ending home renovation or maybe consolidating your Mastercard debt, you'd wear your nicest garments and head right down to the native bank to use for a private loan. Fortuitously, the web has efficient the method of applying for a private loan. You’ll currently sit within the comfort of your home and apply for a private loan online in your pyjamas. Yes, that’s new age borrowing for you! Online disposition platforms have emerged to resolve your sudden cash issues while not the hassles of you having to travel to the bank. The new online loan method is quick, convenient, and effective. And that’s not all. There are numerous alternative reasons why obtaining a web loan may be a sensible idea: 7 Reasons to Apply for a Loan Online: 1. Excellent for Emergencies: Most of the days, most of our expenses are planned. However, there are sure expenses that are not possible to foresee. At times, the necessity for cash is therefore imperative that you simply don't have the time to attend till the normal bank approves your application. online loans are apt for those emergency times as a result of your personal loan is approved and disbursed in a very matter of simply many minutes. 2. Easier Access: The global economic meltdown has created banks fussy concerning disposition cash. It’s not the case with online loan services. You’ll simply get a loan although you've got an occasional credit score or no credit history in the slightest degree. 3. Convenience: Convenience is one issue that creates online loan the well-liked alternative. The application method isn’t elaborate; you've got to fill out a straightforward on-line kind from the comfort of your home. The loan is then quickly approved and disbursed. You don’t have to be compelled to build multiple visits to ancient banks to debate your application standing with the bank staff. 4. Lower Rate of Interest: Since personal loans are unsecured loans, ancient banks charge a better charge per unit because of the danger concerned. However, several firms provide personal loans online that's accessible to a broad vary of individuals at associate degree charge per unit a lot of less than what the normal banks charge. 5. Day-and-Night Service: Emergency cash desires don't opt for a time to occur; the necessity will even arise at night time, that may be a non-convenient time because the banks are closed at that point. With online loan services, you only want a laptop computer and net to use for a private loan and find instant access to cash.  6. Saves Time: With ancient banks, you wish to perpetually follow up and watch for days to induce your loan approved. With online loan disposition apps or websites, the method of application and approval is fast and straightforward, so saving time, efforts and cash. 7. Varied Choices to Decide on from: There are currently several on-line disposition platforms like Loan Online Tap, Funds India, Credit Mantri, Money Tap, Flexi loan, etc., who are with success providing unsecured personal loans. The quantity of choices on the marketing personal finance is impressive; but, before deciding to use, research. Compare the interest rates of assorted online lenders and most significantly check whether or not they are trustworthy. In the past few years, a number of online loan companies have appeared in Canada. For example, Kingston, Ont.-based SkyCap Financial offers loans of up to $10,000 with a quick and easy approval process. It’s true that most online personal loans are based on your credit score and income and do not require any type of security or collateral. With an electronic transfer, your funds can be accessed rapidly, without the wait required by other lenders, such as the big banks. Read Also: Using Short-Term Loans To Help Rebuild Your Credit Score What Entrepreneurs With Bad Credit Need To Know Before Applying For A Loan? Why Personal Lenders Like SkyCap Financial Provide A Better Lending Experience

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What should you know about an MBA in global finance?

Are you good at financial figures and strategies? Are you on the lookout for jobs that has the right amount of challenges to be exciting? Do you want to travel across the world and have a global career? If yes, pursuing an MBA in global finance can be the right choice for you. If you are curious about an MBA program specializing in global finance, this blog can be an informative read. Apart from learning about what the course involves, you can also know the benefits of pursuing this course and its career prospects in the future. What does a global finance MBA entail? The global finance MBA involves learning about managing the finances of multi-national corporations following local and international regulations, business laws, and other guidelines. Though the curriculums may differ for different universities offering this MBA specialization, most of them consist of subjects like managerial marketing, international financial regulations, accounting principles, international strategic management, and international relations. Why should you pursue an MBA in global finance? A finance-focused MBA program can be a versatile option that can open up a plethora of career options in the finance industry. A global finance MBA adds a global perspective to the mix and offers you lucrative opportunities in foreign countries as well. Here are some benefits of pursuing an MBA in global finance. Specially customized curriculum: The course structure of a global finance MBA is specially customized to focus on the financial aspects of global business settings. This can help you in developing skills that are required for a deep understanding of international business Wide networking opportunities: Since this course has a global perspective, you might find your classmates from diverse backgrounds. Also, You can get a chance to build an extensive network across the world and become a truly global management professional. Flexibility to switch jobs in the future: Since global finance operations have wide applications across all the major industries, this course provides a broad perspective on wide range subjects. It can also give the flexibility of switching career domains in the future if you wish. Bright future scope: This course teaches you to analyze financial situations from a global perspective. With this course, you can widen your career prospects and build an impressive skill set. What is the future scope of an MBA in global finance? An MBA with global finance can help you explore key management concepts and be up-to-date with the latest financial trends across the world. According to payscale.com, international finance graduates earn an average annual salary of $ 100,990. With this qualification, you can be eligible for financial management positions across various industries. Here are some exciting career options that can interest you. Global management consultants International finance managers International trade policy advisors Business development managers Global management consultants Global relations manager Investment banking consultants As a global finance MBA graduate, you can comprehend the complexities of the dynamic nature of the international business environment and apply your knowledge to handle different financial issues in your organization. Enroll in a global finance course today to become a part of the international business circle. Read Also: Doing business in the UAE: pros and cons Tips for Breaking Into Finance and Banking Building Your Business Profile Is Easier Than You Think